Identity and Awareness
One of the students on the Unfolding Being course shares some insights from his practice...
Identity is a part of who we are. Through time we collect and hold onto passing events and get distracted by our predictions of the future. Our minds create a story out of this which we then identify with as “I”. This “I” is then the place where we relate from and to ourselves and the world around us.
Awareness is to experience what is without identification. Imagine there is a space inside all of us where everything may be seen from, where all is already in relationship with one and another, without having to make any connections or relate to things, as this is already inherent. It is a place where you may come to rest and surrender your “I” to be with all beings as one.
Chi Kung is a way to enter into this awarenessing. By developing the skill of generating an energy flow and letting go you awaken this awareness. It only a matter of time and dedication to become familiar with this mode of being. It will certainly help with broadening your view and understanding the bigger picture of things.